The Night Golf Collection
Presented by Adreas Weber and Casey Bourque
Andreas Weber’s Stars Für Eine Nacht project began in 2015 with the idea of creative photography in complete darkness. The concept meant that shoots would take place in the absolute darkest times of day, without even moonlight to interfere.
With the exception of starlight, and occasionally some ambient background light, every bit of illumination and color is created purposefully by hand.
The Stars project focuses on important local and regional landmarks or interesting natural features. Andi has created dozens of such photos, typically with teams of 3 – 6 people on hand.
Following a trip to the Harz Mountains in July 2018, Casey and Andi discussed the idea to photograph golf courses. Given their natural beauty and shaping, certain areas of golf courses present wonderful opportunities for dramatic illumination effects – deep bunkers, overhanging trees, undulating topography, and beautiful turf conditions…usually with a flagstick as a focal point.
Beyond the pure aesthetic beauty to be found at golf courses, Casey noted that golf players are often extremely passionate about the game and also their home club. He figured that club members and guests would appreciate a unique and artistic perspective of the course they love – a composition of golf features and artistic style that nobody has ever seen before.
Andi and Casey agreed that this would be a win-win idea for everyone. Golf clubs could use these magical photos for marketing or brand recognition. Club members could bring home a truly unique style and story to grace their homes. And two good friends Andi and Casey would have an exciting new project to work on together.
With permission from Golf Club Kassel Wilhelmshöhe, Casey, Andi and a small team of helpers immediately went to work on the pilot photo of the Par 3 12th hole which hangs in the club restaurant today.